One day while at dinner with her family Sammie Hasen met a little boy who changed her outlook on life. This boy approached Sammie and they started to talk. She soon came to find out that the boy had stage three brain cancer. She was inspired by the young boy’s positivity and courage. “His decision to choose happiness was infectious”, said Sammie. Sammie’s book, Long Live the Little Ones, will share the resilience and strength of children facing critical illnesses. The book will be a collection of drawings from children with critical illnesses about their dreams. Sammie chose to illustrate the children’s dreams though their drawings because she “wanted to see the world through their eyes”. “I wanted to see how they depict their future,” said Sammie. The proceeds of the book will support the Ella Marie Foundation, Enduring Hearts, Juvenile Arthritis Foundation and the Lighthouse Foundation. Long Live the Little Ones is close to the heart of the Ella Marie foundation. Children are a core part of our philanthropy. Unfortunately Sammie has been unable to contact the little boy who influenced her life so greatly. However, Sammie hopes that the book will reach the young boy and his family so they may see how he has impacted her life.
Currently Sammie is working on finding participants for the book. If you know of anyone who would like to participate please email longlivethelittleones@gmail.com. Like and follow Long Live the Little Ones on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
For more information please click here.