Home > Founder’s Message

EllaHeadshot2Welcome to the Ella Marie Foundation. We are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of women and children. Our ultimate goal is to empower women and children to reach their full potential by focusing our energies on hunger prevention, healthcare and education.

Some people credit their achievement with hard work; others with blessings. Whether you lean toward personal perseverance or divine guidance or some magical alignment of the stars, there is another key element in play. Most of the good things that happen in this life happen through people… people willing to open their hearts and share whatever they have with others. If given the opportunity and the tools to succeed, people can do incredible things. We firmly believe that, and it is the mission that propels us at the Ella Marie Foundation. People working together, sharing the good in their lives, helps us address some of the most basic roadblocks that women and children encounter.

“It takes a village” to do a lot of things, not least of which is building a better village. Thank you for your interest in being part of the Ella Marie Foundation village. We welcome your involvement, be it financial, physical or spiritual. Share your wealth, share your valued time or share your good wishes . We accept it all on behalf of the women and children we serve.

With sincere appreciation for your generosity,

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Ella Marie Koscik
Founder & CEO