Join the Ella Marie Foundation as we host our annual peanut butter drive to benefit The Woodward Academy chapter of Blessings in a Backpack. This drive will help to fill the backpacks of students from Mount Olive Elementary School in East Point, Georgia who have little to eat outside of what they receive at school. “Blessings in a Backpack is a non-profit organization that provides elementary school children who are on the federal Free and Reduced Price Meal Program with a backpack of food to take home for 38 weekends during the school year. Over 66,000 children in 583 schools and in 45 states are currently being fed by Blessings in a Backpack” and the Ella Marie Foundation is honored to support this local cause.
Our foundation volunteers, Olivia, Isabelle and Ansley Koscik, founded this chapter of Blessings in a Backpack in 2012 after visiting the neighboring elementary school and learning that many of the students received free or reduced lunch, and many students had little to eat at home. Our volunteers made a three-year commitment to partner with the school by providing backpacks filled with healthy snacks each week so that the elementary students would not go hungry over the weekend.
To learn more about Blessings in a Backpack and how you can make a difference, please visit the organization’s website or contact us at info@ellamariefoundation.org.