Cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
That is exactly what we try to do through the Ella Marie Foundation. We started based on a simple desire to help others more than a decade ago. Here we are today, making a real difference in the lives of women and children in need. With incredible support from our families, friends and business partners, our every effort has been multiplied. We have expanded into a well-established non-profit foundation, working to help women and children reach their potential. We plan to continue doing our part to change the world for many years to come by attacking the triple threat of hunger, health and ignorance.The launch of the Ella Marie Foundation website is a huge milestone for not only our team, but also for our supporters. What started off as a simple passion and desire for helping others in 1998, The Ella Marie Foundation has quickly grown into an established non-profit foundation working to help women and children for the past 16 years. We are proud of what we have accomplished and hope to continue making a difference in the lives of women and children for many years to come. With our new website, supporters will regularly receive updates on the foundation’s progress, see just how their support is impacting our community and will have the ability to securely donate to our cause online.
The launch of the Ella Marie Foundation website is a pretty big milestone for our team and our supporters. It may seem surprising to celebrate this kind of thing in the digital age. We are certainly proud of who we are and what we do. We just never took the time to establish a means to easily share our goals, our activities and our achievements. Now we have a digital destination for people to visit to learn more about why we do what we do and how to get involved.
We are passionate about our mission. We live in the greatest country on earth among people who are incredibly smart and inventive. There should be no reason for any woman or child to lack accessible healthcare, go to bed hungry or be chained to hopeless circumstance through ignorance. That’s where we focus our efforts, and we welcome your involvement.
If you are a roll-up-your-sleeves kind of person, we’ll definitely find a way to put you and your sleeveless arms to work. If you prefer to exercise your mouse muscles, we offer totally secure online options for donating dollars to support the work of the foundation. If you have ideas to share with us, we would welcome your thoughts.
Connect with us on Twitter @EllaMarieOrg or contact us at info@ellamariefoundation.org.
Let me close by sharing the inspiring words of Winston Churchill: “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” That insight captures the spirit of the Ella Marie Foundation. Every action we take to help others enriches each of us many times over. Come share the experience with us!
Ella Marie Koscik, Founder & CEO