The Ella Marie Foundation recently sponsored and hosted a Build-A-Bike workshop during MDI Group’s annual Kick Off event held at Château Élan in Braselton, Georgia. This event encouraged team building amongst MDI Group’s offices, stressed the importance of communication and exemplified the company’s passion for philanthropic events. With the help of the Ella Marie Foundation, MDI Group assembled and provided 10 bikes for deserving families and children from the Atlanta area.
The Build-A-Bike team building event combined community service with a brainy, challenging, and fun workshop. In order to acquire the necessary parts and tools to build each bike, the teams had to overcome a series of challenges. They learned fairly quickly that they must rely on leadership, communication and collaboration to accomplish the ultimate goal of building each bike. The Build-A-Bike workshop was not only educational, but also a truly rewarding experience as the participants were able to see the smiling faces of the excited children at the end of the event.
The Ella Marie Foundation and MDI Group donated the 10 children’s bikes and helmets to St. Brendan’s Catholic Church located north of Atlanta, Georgia. Priscilla and Richard Mortland, who have both served as the financial chair for the Ella Marie Foundation for the past 10 years, also volunteer weekly with St. Brendan’s local food pantry. St. Brendan’s Catholic Church currently assists over 2,000 families through various programs that focus on material, emotional, health and other needs. The representatives from St. Brendan’s Catholic Church were overjoyed with the donations and could not wait to surprise additional families in the weeks to come. The Ella Marie Foundation is proud to support a great cause!
About The Ella Marie Foundation
The Ella Marie Foundation was founded in 1998 with a simple desire of helping others. Over the past 16 years, that mission has expanded into a cohesive effort to enhance the lives of women and children across the globe through focus on healthcare, education and eradicating hunger. Follow the Ella Marie Foundation on Twitter, Google Plus and Facebook. For more information, visit www.ellamariefoundation.org.